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  1、 各場次論文發表與討論時間分配規則如下:
    (1) 每場次總時間為 90 分鐘,包含 4~5 篇論文。
    (2) 論文發表人依議程順序宣讀論文,依各場次論文篇數, 每人 15 分鐘。時間結束前 5 分鐘短響鈴一 次,時間結束時長響鈴一次。
    (3) 每場次討論時間為 30 分鐘,討論時間及順序請尊重主持人安排。
    (4) 請各場次主持人準時開始與結束,並嚴格控管時間,以確保研討會全部流程順利進行。

  2、 研討會參與者注意事項:
    (1) 請各場次之論文發表人提早 5 分鐘進入會場測試論文發表所需之硬體設備。
    (2) 出入會場請配戴研討會提供之名牌,以資識別。
    (3) 在論文發表會場內,請將行動電話保持關機或靜音模式,以利議事進行。

  1、 進入會議室,須使用 Google 帳號/gmail 電郵。
  2、請提早於會議開始前 15 分鐘進入會議室。為維持會場秩序,會議進行 5 分鐘後,將不開放進 入。
  3、每一會議室最大容納量不限 100 人。
  6、先按右下角舉手鈕,或打字示意,在得到主持人的許可後,再開啟麥克風。如未得到主持人 同意, 請不要自行開啟麥克風。
Presentation Guidelines:
    1. Each session runs 90 minutes, including 4~5 papers.
    2. Each presenter is allotted for 15 minutes to read his/her paper. There will be a gentle reminder of time limit 5 minutes before the allotted time is up by the timer in each presentation room. A long ring signals the end of the allotted time.
    3. The time for the interactive discussion in each session is 30 minutes. All participants are expected to follow the host’s directions in order to have the paper presentations and interactive discussions run smoothly.
    4. Please follow the time schedule of the conference in order to have the conference proceed as planned.
    5. Presenters are expected to arrive in the presentation rooms 5 minutes earlier than the scheduled time and settle the equipment needed for the presentations.
    6. All participants will be given identification cards. Please put on these ID cards in the conference venue.
    7. Please put your cell phone on silent while in the speech hall or in paper presentation rooms.

Rules for Online Presentations:
    1. Please use your Google account or Gmail to log in.
    2. Please log in each seminar room 15 minutes before the starting of each session. To ensure each seminar proceed smoothly, the manager will not allow any late admittance 5 minutes after the beginning of each session.
    3. The maximum accommodation for each seminar room is 100 persons. To enter each session successfully, each participant is advised to log in the seminar room as early as possible.
    4. The link for the Sign-in System will be posted in the seminar room at the end of each session, and it will be closed after 15 minutes.
    5. Please mute your microphone unless you are asked by the room chair to speak. To let the chair know that you want to speak, you can click the hand sign on the lower right corner.
    6. The room manager can mute a participant’s microphone if necessary.